A furnace tune-up can take anywhere between one and two-and-a-half hours, depending on the number of issues that were identified or the number of procedures that the technician needs to perform.
Furnace maintenance is the best way to ensure that your unit is efficient and does not require repairs or replacements often, especially when you have not scheduled the maintenance frequently. But how much time would it take for most furnace tune-ups? In this article, you will find out some of the factors that determine the time required and what you are likely to encounter during a tune-up call.
A furnace tune-up, which is also sometimes known as a furnace service or an annual furnace maintenance check, entails the arrival of an HVAC technician at your home to inspect all of the parts of your furnace and clean them.
They will:
Several key factors determine how long a furnace tune-up will take:
The type of furnace you have and its age are two factors that can significantly influence the amount of money you will be charged for its repair.
The ideal time for furnace servicing will depend on the type and the age of the furnace. Small and older furnaces or high-efficiency heaters aren’t as quick as new and fundamental ones. Initial services also often take longer as working professionals observe the status and make necessary corrections.
Accessibility and Work Space
Essential working conditions like ease of access to your furnace and enough space around it simplify the work of technicians to move around the stove and through narrow crawl spaces or crowded utility rooms if required. Time is worse when accessibility is an issue.
Overall Condition Issues
If there are no problems detected in the tune up checklists, it takes less time. However, if there are issues that must be fixed, whether in terms of diagnostics or mechanical problems or if the parts are filthy and require extra cleaning, then the visit is extended.
On what does the term ‘Service Call’ embody?
Some companies simply carry out simple maintenance procedures during the tune-up, while others conduct more comprehensive check-ups that include 60+ point checks. As far as duration is concerned, servicing extent is equally essential. An inspection alone is done much faster than a complete tune up of the maintenance kind.
Number of Units/Appliances on which Work was Done
It is important to note that if the client needs to have multiple units maintained, such as a furnace and air conditioner, or if they would like to add on to have their ductwork cleaned, the total time required shall increase.
The approximate time when a usual check on the furnace takes is typically between 45 minutes and 2 hours for a single unit, depending on the factors discussed above.
Here is a more detailed overview:
Basic Inspection Only – 45 minutes to 1 hour
If they are only coming to perform a check to see whether or not the furnace is working without any maintenance, there may be other cheaper safety and operating efficiency checks that companies can have done to ensure everything is running smoothly. This entails approximately 20-30 minutes of actual work involved in checking settings and parts of the vehicle and carrying out a combustion test.
There is also Standard Single Unit Maintenance that takes approximately one to 1. 5 hours.
This takes roughly 1 hour for most HVAC companies for a complete maintenance tune-up on one furnace unit, including changing filters, cleaning, adjusting, testing safety control, lubricating, and inspecting parts. Thus, there is enough time to properly service the unit without an indication of hurrying the process.
Large/Complicated Furnaces – 1 – 2 hours
A multi-stage high-efficiency furnace has even more parts with electronics to examine. Technicians can currently spend up to 90 minutes on tune-ups on these models. The total job time can go up to two hours for more enormous furnaces that take longer to isolate internal areas.
More System Efforts – 30+ minutes/each for each task
If you request to have an AC unit checked during a furnace tune-up appointment, or if you need help with humidifier maintenance or duct cleaning, be prepared for 30+ minutes’ worth of added time for each request or service.
Remember, while a furnace tune-up by itself is probably a speedy process, your technician might find that your furnace has a separate issue that needs to be addressed before the tune-up tasks can be completed. This could have helped in extending the visit. When it comes to working on your furnace, reputable companies don’t just do their job and leave until your furnace is up and running safely and efficiently.
Though the term furnace tune-up may sound like the start of an invasion, it is a critical part of maintenance. In essence, when conducted annually as advised, the time that one spends on tune-ups earns them incredible returns on additional equipment longevity, reduced utility bills, and avoidance of costly future repairs. If you can spend a little of your time, most probably one or two hours per year, it is worth it to see to it that the heating system of your home is working as it should, even if it is in a different season.